The Prayer Room

Following on from the dream The Lord gave me (which you can read here on the blog: The House of Courts ). God has been talking to me recently about the ending of that dream. I know I’m at the end because I have recently got engaged, which was a part of the dream where I saw a black woman wearing an engagement ring and I stumbled (got distracted) looking at it. She refocused me by asking me if how I knew the man I was following (which was Christ), and she seemed very impressed that I knew him. After that interaction, I entered the final room.

So this is the part where I believe I am currently, in relation to my dream:

I got up and followed him into the room. It had a long pine table in the middle. It was a narrow green room and the table had only two seats left available. One at the top, closest to us and one next to it on left hand side. He sat in the one on the side, so the only one that was left for me was the one at the top of the table. There were other people seated around the table, between 10 and 15 people I’d say. They were all facing the same way towards the other end of the table, directly ahead of me, at the other end were some small TVs in a row sitting next to each other. The people around the table looked important, as though they were rulers or judges or something. One of the TVs was playing the film they had been watching in the other room. But it was so far away and tiny that I couldn’t see the point in watching it, I sat down anyway. Then I woke up.
Photo by Anna Kozlova on

So I’m not yet entirely certain about what the specific content of that dream was, in terms of the people, the TVs etc. But I do believe that I was in that room as a sort of advocate for things going on in the world – the things we see day-to-day. Thinking about it now, not only does do the rulers or judges make me think of it being a case of reviewing justices in the world, but I also think they were God’s angels or His disciples who are ruling with Him. With that said, me being there was as though He wants me to partner with Him to bring forth justice and witness the things of the world also. I mean, we are all called to be witnesses of Christ anyway, however, I think – and this is based on my own personal convictions – that it is more to do with injustice, as that is one thing very close to my heart.

So I’ve been struggling with that part of my contribution. Why have me sitting at the table watching these things? What part am I meant to play in this? Well, I believe God has finally told me: Prayer, Intercessory prayer.
I believe He wants me to use my prophetic gifting to pray about that which I see, observe and witness and pray on behalf of those things.

Photo by John-Mark Smith on

My reading this past week has been on the story of Abraham. I am right at the beginning, where God had told him and Sarah that they will have a son in their old age.

More specifically, on 22/08/23 my reading was Genesis 20:7, where Abraham had lied to Abimelech that his wife Sarah was only his sister, so Abimelech took Sarah as his wife but God wasn’t happy about this and told Abimelech in a dream that he was a dead man. Long story short, Abimelech spoke to God about it, and God revealed to him that he shouldn’t have taken Sarah because of who she was, and then God told him this :

Now therefore, restore the man’s wife for his is a prophet and he will pray for you and you shall live…

Genesis 20:7
Photo by Pixabay on

So God told Abimelech that Abraham was his prophet, but He also showed that Abraham was able to intercede on Abimelech’s behalf and pray for him so that he would live, him and his household. Abraham had the power to pray on behalf of others, which is intercessory prayer and I believe this is important because He has given me the ability to do that also.

As a kind of conformation – as God will then put you in situations to test your obedience and use your gifts – yesterday I bumped into a woman I have known since I was a child, a family friend from the church I grew up in. Bare in mind, I haven’t seen her for years, despite us living within the same area. She has been struggling with conceiving a child for years and I had a dream about her a few weeks ago about her having a child. Full story here: Pregnancy Prophecy. Not only is this strange because I haven’t seen her in years and I had the dream about her, but the week that am reading about Sarah and having a child in her old age and feeling compelled to pray on behalf of others is the week I finally see her?? If that isn’t God then I don’t know.

So anyway I prayed for her; I was obedient to the Spirit and used my gift if intercessory prayer. I feel encouraged and am hopeful to God about His answer. But more importantly, it confirmed to me that this is the direction that God wants me to walk in. So I am going to faithfully walk in intercessory prayer.

“Father, I thank you for this gift of intercessory prayer that You have given me. Although I don’t know the end result or where You want me to go with this, I know that You only give us the first steps anywhere, so I am trusting You faithfully that You will continue to direct my steps as I follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Speak to me regarding the situations that You want me to pray for, so that it can be on earth as it is in heaven, and that You allow the Holy Spirit to move within me and allow Your Will to be done. I thank you and praise You and I pray these things in the name of Your precious Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.”

I have a prayer request form for anyone who wants me to pray for them or for a situation they are experiencing or going through. If you would like this, click the click below and please leave your details and a message regarding your prayer request and I will aim to get back to you within 3-5 working days.

Here is the link to the Prayer Request page on this blog: Prayer Request Form

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