Pregnancy Prophecy

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So on… I had a dream about one of my close family friends. I’ve known her pretty much most of my life and she’s like an Aunty to me. She spent most of her 20s and 30s single and married in her late 30s early 40s but she’s never had children. Being a Christian woman that she is, she wanted to do things God’s way and wait to get married, unfortunately that’s not happened yet and now that she’s in her early 50s it seems unlikely. I’m not going to say impossible, because nothing is impossible with God. She is such an amazing woman and Aunty to beautiful girls who now have their own children, but she’s always come across as a mummy figure. One of those women who you just know would make an amazing mother.

My dream was I was sitting at a table, as though we were at a wedding reception and she had a baby on her lap. She looked overjoyed and I thought her and her husband had finally had a child together. I asked about the birth and she told me that they had adopted the baby (if I remember correctly, from a family in Africa – a family member) and she then showed me the certificate to show that they were their parents lawfully. Despite me feeling a little disappointed that the child wasn’t theirs genetically, I couldn’t help but feel happy for them because looking at them, their joy was full even though the child wasn’t theirs genetically, it might as well have been.

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Fast forward today, 23/08/23. This week God has been speaking to me about Intercessory prayer and praying for others. Through what I’ve been reading, which is Abraham and him being a prophet and praying for Abimelech, but also God giving me promptings to continue to work on my prayer and dream journal as well as getting me to looking at the events of the world. By doing that, I’ve realised that literally the only way I can help the situation is to pray. So I’ve listened and decided in my heart that’s what I’m going to do.

So Mum and I went for a walk today down to our favourite park like we usually do and on the way I saw a familiar face across the road. I hadn’t seen Maria in yearssss. Even though Mum had met up with her a few months ago, around the time I had the dream about her, personally I hadn’t seen her probably since 2016 or something, definitely before the pandemic. We embraced and I told her about my dream (Mum had already told her I had had a dream about her but not the details). I was a bit apprehensive about telling her because I didn’t want to disappoint her about the adoption, because I know she really wants to have a child herself but I felt it wasn’t my job to feel a way about it, those are my personal feelings, she might actually be okay with it and she was, she said it would be like it’s her own child, which I know she would. It was only my job to deliver the message and pray which I did.

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Before praying for her, I asked if I could lay hands on her, which she was okay with then I began to pray over her.
I don’t really remember what I said exactly, word for word, which is good because it shows that the Holy Spirit took over. However, I know it was about her heart’s desires about having a child, letting God have His way in the situation – whatever that looks like – and for a miracle to happen.
What I did say was what The Lord wanted me to say, I’m confident in that. Plus it’s about what He is going to do in the situation. he knows all of our hearts, and minds and so knows that things that we didn’t say as well as what we didn’t say.

At the end of the prayer, I laid hands on her belly as well. She was happy about it and we all said Amen.


I just feel it was so timely because not only had I had the dream about her earlier in the year but this week I’m reading about Abraham and Sarah. We all know the story of Abraham and Sarah and her conceiving Isaac in her old age as miracle of God. She was barren and God opened her womb up and allowed her to have a son. I mean is that not literally so similar to Maria right now?!!! So I just truly believe that is no coincidence. That is God and there is a reason why these things are happening concurrently.

Nothing is impossible for God even in today’s time. I mean look how He moved today. I just pray that He moves. I want to be bold and actually ask that he blesses them by opening her woman and allowing her to conceive naturally. I think I am going to, because nothing is too bold or difficult for God. It’s up to Him to decide to do it or not but I can at least ask for it.

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Let me pray:

“Father, I thank you for your giftings, that you have gifted me with visions, dreams and prophetic abilities and the ability to intercede on behalf of others. Lord I just lift up your daughter, Maria, in Christ right now and ask that you open her womb. You made her so beautifully and wonderfully , with a heart that desires to serve and worship you. You have also given her a heart for children and such a caring and gentle spirit. She would make an amazing mother and so Lord I humbly come before you and ask that you bless her with her own child. Nothing is impossible for you. You are a God of miracles and I know you have given me the dream, the gift and the opportunity to pray for her today for a reason. You alone know her heart’s desire and Lord I pray that you look upon her and have mercy on her and give her her heart’s desire. I pray against anything that is coming in the way of her being blessed, that you heal her relationships with others and herself to allow the blockages to move and for every cell in her body to be prepared for the arrival of your blessing. Lord I pray all these things and I look forward to seeing your miracle come to fruition. In Jesus’s name I pray Amen.”

I will hopefully be able to update this at some point with good news! Amen.

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