Letter to satan

You are not going to defeat me,
You cannot defeat me.

I can see right through you.
Through every plan and scheme you have set up for me, to cause me to fail,
But I won’t fail.
For He knows the plans He has for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me,
Plans to give me hope and a future. (Jer 29:11)
Nothing you can do, can or will permanently crush or destroy my spirit.
I have a band of angels, of heavenly hosts protecting me,
They have your number.

You’re a liar! (John 8:48)
All of what you say is filled with spite and venom and seasoned with a hint of manipulation.
You seep into people’s minds, disguising yourself as something familiar, wanted, desired.
But your mask doesn’t last for long.
Eventually it slips and your true colours are revealed for all to see.
And sure enough people see, maybe not all, but
the ones who were meant to see,
And what an ugly sight you are indeed!

The craftiness of your nature,
Your utter disregard for all that is just and true.
People fear the unknown and that’s what you try to be: unknown
But we know you,
Know of your lying, cheating ways.

You have no hold over me.
Nothing you can do will make me want to leave,
Or give up the desire to be all God wants me to be. (Ps 20:4)

No weapon formed against me shall prosper. (Isa 54:17)
Even though I may walk though places you have covered in your darkness
I shall not be affected,
I am protected, anointed with light. (Ps 23)

Though your armies of demons may band around me and seek to take me down with them,
I will not go.
They will not succeed. (Jer 20:11, John 1:5)

Though you live in darkness, as the angel of light you once were, I can still see you.
Many storms I have been through and each one I have overcome,
This one will be no different. (Josh 1:9, 1 John 5:4)
The Lord, O God, my Lord is stronger than you! (1 John 4:4)

Until The Lord says it’s my time, I will not go anywhere,
It is only His voice I will obey, (Deu 5:33)
His commands I will follow. (John 10:27; 12:26)
I will go when He tells me to and not before and not by you!

Only He, will I bow down to and worship.

You have taken up too much of my time and energy satan,
No more will I give you,

Be gone, in Jesus’ mighty name!