Buy ‘Prayers & Dreams Journal’

My Prayers & Dreams Journal – 12 month calendar, prayer pages, dream and vision pages, memory verses, favourite scriptures, notes & more!

  • Want space to write down your prayers for yourself and for others?
  • Want space to write down the dreams and visions The Lord has given you?
  • Want to get closer to The Lord by reflecting on the prayers He has answers and partnering with him in intercessory prayer?

If the answer to all three is ‘YES!’ then this journal is just right for you!

This journal will help you take note of and remember the prayers, dream and visions God has placed on your heart and be able to reflect on them if and when they are answered or come to pass.

Having the 12 month calendar and monthly prayers helps to keep track of any prayers made and answered and allows you to reflect upon how far you’ve come in your prayer life and walk with God.

The space to write down your prayers are useful for keeping track of prayers, and the memory verses pages you can add to are a great place to put your favourite scriptures to meditate on and remember!

Sound good? Then click the button below or on the image to buy on & now!

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