About the writer…

Writing is not just a passion…it’s a calling. Jesus Christ is everything, not least of all my inspiration… ❤

“The LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.”Habakkuk 2:2.

Write the vision.

Hey Guys! I’m TheReadyWriter, (I’ll explain where that name came from in a moment…) I’m a Creative Writer and Disciple – or Christian (depending on your preference of the word). I’m currently based in North-East London, UK.

This blog and name was inspired by Habakkuk 2:2, which I felt impressed in my spirit that God was calling me to write…

I strongly believe that my creative writing ability is a gift from God, and although at times I hate them, so are my emotions (I’m such an emotional person, it’s like GOD WHY DID YOU CREATE ME LIKE THIS??!!) Over the years, I have often been compared to King David in the Bible, the man who wrote most of the Psalms. Though this is an amazing compliment – if you’ve ever read Psalms, you’ll understand – and I really felt that David had a heart for God and was so gifted in expressing himself emotionally….I really feel his are H U G E shoes for me to fill! But here I go, attempting to do my part and share what God has blessed me with.

I’ve been a Christian for just over 16 years and it has literally been like being the world’s longest and biggest rollercoaster! I mean, its just been a journey and though it’s had its ups and downs, (more downs than ups) I’ve made some mistakes, been hurt and abused and heartbroken…God has L.I.T.E.R.A.L.L.Y NEVER left my side. Though sometimes I’ve felt deserted, abandoned, lonely, unloved, etc. I KNOW and understand that that is all a part of the spiritual journey, the journey which I hope to share with you guys through this blog!

I share and write about my life, my dreams (literal and figurative), impartations The Lord gives me, my struggles, my experiences, life lessons, thoughts, personal progression, self-help articles, short stories, poems and about anything else that is impressed on my heart. So please join me on this faithful journey, and I pray you too will learn some lessons of love, joy and hope also!

 My aim is to inspire 🙂

Feel free to roam around and read anything that takes your fancy…don’t forget to like and comment too!

Oh and if you have time, check out my main blog: CHRISSCRIBE

God bless you – love you,

Chriss x (TheReadyWriter) xoxx


If you have any questions, or just want to discuss something with me then just fill out the form below and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can! x

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