Salvation Prayer

Can’t believe I haven’t posted this on my page before now! But there is a time for everything.

If you desire to welcome The Lord Jesus Christ into you heart to become your own personal Lord and Saviour. To give your life to Christ, to deepen your relationship with God and be apart of His Kingdom – in other words if you want to be saved then say this salvation prayer with me aloud:

“Dear Father, I recognise that You are Lord of all and my Saviour.
Firstly, I want to thank You for sending Your Son to earth to not only live and set an example to me for how to live but also for Him dying on the cross for my sins.
I thank You that through that act of love, I am able to receive Your gift of forgiveness and salvation.

I want to say sorry and repent of my sins and any wrong-doing I have done that is displeasing in Your sight. Please forgive me and cleanse my spirit of all the unrighteousness, guilt and shame and anything else that is displeasing You to by the power of Jesus’ blood.
I want to invite You in to my heart as I acknowledge and accept that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for my sins and that through His sacrifice, I am able to have eternal life with You in Your Kingdom.
Please come into my life now, and create me in a new heart, mind and spirit. Take away the old and replace it with Your new Father. I am turning away from my old life and turning myself to You. I ask that You fill me with Your Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen me now and forever more.
Thank You for hearing my prayer and as I commit my life to You, I pray for these things in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.”

I pray that the Lord speaks to you and that you develop your relationship with Him. Welcome to the family! xx

If you want to develop your relationship and walk with God and want to know more about Him then please look at some more of the content I have on this blog. Also, if you want to contact me or have a prayer request then click the link below or here: to drop a message or a prayer request and I’ll try and get back to you in 3-5 working days x

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