The House of Courts – Part 2

If you haven’t already read my blog post ‘The House of Courts’ (click the link to read) then I suggest you read it first, otherwise this won’t make much sense to you.

So since then, I’ve done quite a bit of praying and asking the Lord what it means, some parts of the dream I think I have interpreted but other parts aren’t a bit clear. But we know that God doesn’t always reveal the whole staircase at one go, sometimes it takes a while for the next step or stage to become clear and it often does once we have done the first part of it. So with that in mind, I simply waited.

Baring in mind I had this dream almost 3 years ago now. The same film, ‘Z for Zechariah’ has been playing on TV about 2 times a year and so every time it comes on I’m reminded of my dream. I will go back, think of it and hope and pray that one day soon God will reveal the parts that I’m not sure of.

Fast forward this last month. The start of 2022 where things in my life have once again been turned upside down, given that and just where life is I just decided to do some reflecting and reassessing certain things. I decided that I would seek out my calling once again or at least seek out the ministry I’m meant to be in because I just feel aimless and as though I have no purpose. I decided to do the Fivefold ministry test online, link is here if you want to do it too, to see what out of the five ministries I am now.

It came back as Prophetic, which is has done before. This is what it had to say about me which I can confirm most to be true, can you relate?

The Prophet
You cannot standby while there is injustice.
You are compelled to help the needy, broken and oppressed.
You are easily distracted by what seems like random thoughts, ideas, words and pictures.
You occasionally have vivid dreams.
You have a strong feeling for whether something is from God or not.
You believe life can is about choses and you can choose your destiny.
You frequently get gut feelings and are usually right about your opinions.
You can feel, understand and relate to God’s heart for people when you pray for them.
You are particularly encouraging and discerning.
When you read, God puts situations, people and specific examples into your heart.
You can distinguish between what is from God and what is not from God.
Without you
People do not hear God.
People have no intimacy with God.
People attribute the works of satan to God.
The Vision for the Prophet
Every person can know God’s heart for them. Every person can be able to hear God’s voice for themselves.
As you dream, pray and plan, ask yourselves these questions:
How do we best accomplish helping people discover what God’s heart for them is?
How can we best awaken people to hear the voice of God?
How do we help, walk alongside, and direct people to encountering God’s voice on a regular basis?

I thought about it over and over again, wondering about it and how to move forwards given that knowledge. What do I do now Lord? Give me some confirmation or something. The next day, or a couple of days at the most after that, I was on Tiktok and came across this girl’s videos. AMAZING. She had videos on the signs of a prophetess and how to identify if you are one by the gifts you may have… there were three videos for each so she had a LOT of knowledge but also it was so specific, YET each point related to me. I was so blown away, I messaged her! She needed to know how the Lord has used her faithfulness to reach out to others so that He could bless me with it. She has listed so many things but there was ONE thing that stood out the most in one of her videos.

When she began talking about the journey of the prophet she said,

“It is important for you to stay silent and to learn until it is your time to shine, teach move and complete a mission… God is going to put you in a student seat. There are going to be situations that God is going to show you about the people around you, about, the world about life in general that you need to sit back and pay attention to… He is going to show you what is inside of people. He is calling you to sit in the student seat and take notes, that is going to be imperative for where He is taking you. During that season of isolation where He has set you apart and He’s not letting anyone near you, He’s teaching you. So just stay silent so there’s a time coming where you are going to shine, move and complete a mission.”

The bit in bold jumped out at me. It brought me back to my dream in the house of courts where after Jesus had led me up the stairs we had gone into that long room with the table in the middle and that chair was there for me to sit on next to Him watching the screens at the far end. This connected the dots for me. I was in my student seat. This is what it was! And the things on the TV, just like you WATCH TV, God want’s me to WATCH what is around me (and in life) and sit and pay attention.

It just felt like the last piece of the puzzle had dropped for me. That was what I needed to do, that was the interpretation of my dream and so that is what I need to do in this season now, until He then shows me the next steps. Thank you Lord!

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