House of Courts

This is a dream I believe The Lord gave me and the events which surrounded it. I found it quite profound, so have a read and join me in my search for revelation of it x

Friday 10th May 2019

My dream:

I went into a house (which was really a mansion but you couldn’t tell on the surface). My cousin, Yo, and her husband, Darren, were in the front part of the house- as in the living space directly behind the front door. I ended up talking to Darren for a bit. He told me that Yo had a problem with her left arm which she was now recovering from and he was telling me about how it was affecting her. Then they had some visitors who Yo was planning to write a play with.

Although it seemed as though it was their house, I felt that it was actually the family home as I wasn’t there to visit them, I was there to visit my Granddad and Grandma. It was as though my dream-self knew everything, whose house it was, where I was going, who I was visiting, etc but I didn’t. It felt as though I was on autopilot.

I went down some stairs to the next level of the house and popped my head around a door into a darkened room people had the light off as they were watching a film. I saw my cousin, he was a white boy. He was watching an action film on a huge TV screen in his room with some other people and they seemed to be smoking shisha. I figured the lights were off because they were watching a movie. I stood in the doorway trying to watch the film with them, but it was difficult to at the angle I was standing in. The part of the scene which intrigued me was of a white man with intense blue eyes on screen, then some car action stuff.

As I’m standing there trying to watch, my uncle walks down the corridor, he almost walks past the room where I’m standing. He appeared also to be a white man, with white hair slicked back though he looked quite young. He wore a beige suit and walked with direction and purpose. I knew in my Spirit that he was the son of my Granparents. I stopped him and I told him I was looking for Gran. He told me that they were in the sauna, which was the room right at the end of the hallway on the right hand side. The door was closed so I knew I wouldn’t be able to see them.

I told him that I wanted to watch the film too, properly as these lot were. He said I could watch it in the library. My dream-self said yes but at the same time it wanted to go to the other rooms, one of which was just full of sweets. Literally everything in there was made out of sweets. And there were loads of other rooms with different things in each.

He told me to follow him which I did. We walked up a few steps toward a set of doors which had two security guards guarding. They opened the door for him as we approached and we walked through. He had authority. As we walked through the doors, we came into the Library. It was huge. There were soo many people in there. All looked like professionals in their suits and clothes, men and women. They appeared to me as though they all worked within the legal sector. They were sitting on seats in stands which went up as though they were a uni lecture theater of some kind but also like they were in a waiting room.

He was a few steps ahead of me, leading the way. As we made our way up, walking literally through the stands, up steps, as he walked past, certain people would put their left arm up as though they wanted to ask a question but when he would acknowledge them they would put it back down again. The further up we went, those nearer the middle to top would keep their arms raised, despite him acknowledging them and only put it down when I smiled at them, when I acknowledged them too. This surprised me.
We kept walking, seemed like we were getting higher and higher.

Eventually, we got to another set of doors. The two security guards, opened the door for him – well us. Still behind him, just as he stood in the doorway, I stumbled and fell and ended up kneeling next to this black women who was sitting there. She seemed amazed that I was with him and she whispered to me asking me, “Who is he to you?” I had to think but I responded with, “He’s my step-uncle.” Because that was who he was in my dream. She said, “Oh” smiling like she was very impressed. I noticed she had on a big diamond ring on her engagement finger, which I really liked and it almost distracted me.

I got up and followed him into the room. It had a long pine table in the middle. It was a narrow green room and the table had only two seats left available. One at the top, closest to us and one next to it on left hand side. He sat in the one on the side, so the only one that was left for me was the one at the top of the table. There were other people seated around the table, between 10 and 15 people I’d say. They were all facing the same way towards the other end of the table, directly ahead of me, at the other end were some small TVs in a row sitting next to each other. The people around the table looked important, as though they were rulers or judges or something. One of the TVs was playing the film they had been watching in the other room. But it was so far away and tiny that I couldn’t see the point in watching it, I sat down anyway. Then I woke up.

I prayed about what that dream was about and then left it.

Two days later – Sun 12th March.

I’m watching God TV and there was a programme on with a guest called Jamie Galloway. He was a ‘Seer’ or prophet and was talking about how he came to get that gift quoting the book of Zechariah (which I had actually been reading that morning, the Holy Spirit must have pulled me there?) and what the prophecy gift looks like. He spoke about how God shows you things in the natural, things that are always present but God will bring it more to your attention to show you something. He also spoke about patterns and how we have external and internal eyes. Eyes of our imagination.

He spoke of two types. 1) The secret of heaven on earth. He encouraged us to think about what it looks like when heaven does come down. Thematic moments, when God is trying to get our attention, something that happens over and over, then you do the research. He says that first we have to look in the natural ti see in the Spirit ‘where are you in my life right now?’ When you dont see in the Spirit, you have to look in the natural. What catches your attention? What is God calling your attention to? Taking something always noticable and expanding on it.

2) The secret of sound. He says that worship opens our eyes to see in the Spirit. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. When you sing you hear yourself and something is coming back to you- like echo location- seeing with a different set of eyes. When you sing both sides of the mind is operating, you open up the creative side.

Then at some point that same week, or it might have even been the same day. I watched a film on BBC called, “Z is for Zechariah”. I wondered if it linked with me reading that book on that morning of Jamie saying God called him ‘Zechariah’ at the beginning of his gifting of prophecy and my dream of the film I was watching.


So I’m watching the film and suddenly there is a scene which was literally THE EXACT SCENE FROM MY DREAM! The actor I remembered being a white guy with these amazing blue eyes – they were striking in the film, but I didn’t know the actor, just that he looked familiar. I thought it might have been Matt Damon or whoever it is who plays Jason Bourne because I thought it might have been that film, but now I know that this was actually THE film. God is clearly saying something isn’t He?!

The main basis of the film which stood out to me was when the woman speaks with the guy with the striking blue eyes – that I saw in my dream – and tells him how she feels about tearing the church down for them to use the wood to build the turbine for electricity (that is the only source of electricity, as pretty much the whole of civilization has died in that area). She is reluctant to tear it down because she has emotional ties to it and it represents for her, her father, as he built it and the closeness she has to him as well as her faith. She doesn’t want to destroy the church because of its holiness. His response to her is that it is only a holy place because she makes it holy, it in itself is just brick. It is our Spirit withing that makes it holy, thus the church is us and not the building. So, for me tearing something down doesn’t make me less holy nor is it bad for doing so, in fact it can bring in more blessings and more light. To tear down something and use it for something good and useful – in a sense rebuilding it or building it back up to be used for purpose.

That was the film. At first I didn’t get it so I went online (did some research) into the meaning and the common theme from nearly all the reviews was that the book was better. Initially the first thing I thought was that the hidden message was in the novel version but as I recalled my dream…remembering how significant the film was to me throughout my dream and how disappointed I was at seeing it at the end but how I was in the LIBRARY- the home of books. I knew ‘book’ in some way was probably the key. However, not to sure it is the novel version (though I will read it too anyway). I think it is actually the book of Zachariah in the Bible that God is pointing me towards.

So, as I picked it up again this morning, reading the into what it is about.. Rebuilding the temple.

Zechariah is called to encourage the people to complete it, though reminding them of its future importance…which is because God’s glory will inhabit it (heaven) but this is contingent on obedience – (which I was in the dream- following him all the way). It also says, they are not merely building a building (again emphasis on the actual physical building) but building the future – pretty much God is coming.

So far I have concluded that God is encouraging me to complete this building of the temple (myself) because of future plans He has for me- to fill me with his glory. “The Messiah’s glory will inhabit it.”

Glory in Hebrew means ‘splendor, majesty, beauty, excellence’ it also means a combination of ‘social position and physical attractiveness.’ Glory is high ranking and only thought deserving of it can receive it. So as I believe I already have His Spirit, then His glory is a step up.

This verse I believe is my dream: Zechariah 3:6-7

The coming branch”

If you will walk in My ways,

And if you will keep My command,

then you shall also judge my house,

And likewise have charge of my courts.

I will give you places to walk

among those who stand here.”

I compared it to my dream:

“If you walk in My ways,”

Just like I followed my ‘uncle’ – Christ to the library in my dream, following behind Him, in His footsteps.

“And if you keep My command”

He told me to ‘follow’ Him in my dream.

“Then you shall also judge My house,”

Were in the house – but more specifically, the library we were in, I felt as though the people were lawyers or that I was in some kind of law place, particularly when walking towards the highest part of the ‘library’.

“And likewise have charge of My courts,”

The final room felt like a court room, with the big long narrow table – with my seat at the head of the table, as though I was in charge.

“I will give you places to walk, among those who stand here.”

When we walked in the library, it was literally among the rows of people in there, and he was weaving and winding between them, the places to walk.

So that’s it. Thanks for reading, let me just say a prayer.

I pray Father, that you reveal anything I’ve missed or misinterpreted Lord, I pray that these things come to pass in accordance to Your Will. In Jesus’ precious name I pray, Amen.

For the second part to this, click here: ‘House of Courts Part 2’

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