2018 – ‘Rita’

Rita was a friend of mine from work who was diagnosed with an incurable tumour. She was terminally ill and so we would go and visit her and spend time with her in her final days. Just before she passed I had two similar dreams about her which was after she had said the Sinner’s prayer with me.

The dream:
She was wearing her traditional dress (she was Hindu, from Mauritius) and she was celebrating. She looked so happy in the dream, excited and kept hugging and thanking me.

I woke up.

I believe that this was her spirit thanking me for helping her find Christ and so I believe that she’s with Jesus in heave now x

Note: God often gives us dreams of some future event that is coming, we should always pray for interpretation for our dreams. But more importantly, take every dream to The Lord and rebuke any dream that you feel isn’t good or positive. We may not always be able to change the future or affect what is coming, as God’s decision is final but that doesn’t mean we don’t pray anyway (intercessory prayer), you never know, your prayer might actually make a difference.

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