2017 – ‘The Pastors’

This one is about a pastoral couple who had recently left the church I was attending. They were a lovely couple who loved the Lord with both their hearts. For the sake of confidentially I’m not going to share their names.

The dream:
I dreamt that the wife was at a church and I was sitting behind her. She was sitting next to her children but with a man who I didn’t recognise and who wasn’t her husband, however it looked as though her and this man were romantically involved.

I woke up.

I discerned that the couple were no longer together in real life but I didn’t actually know because I wasn’t in touch with them, however my boyfriend at the time was. He was mentored by the husband and so even though they no longer were members of the church, they still had a relationship but it was just between them. I told my boyfriend that I had a dream about the couple and so asked him if they were still together in real life. He admitted to me that they had in fact separated (another leader in the church confirmed it later as well). My boyfriend was really surprised at how I knew to ask him. I told him that God had already told me though my dream.

Note: God often gives us dreams of some future event that is coming, we should always pray for interpretation for our dreams. But more importantly, take every dream to The Lord and rebuke any dream that you feel isn’t good or positive. We may not always be able to change the future or affect what is coming, as God’s decision is final but that doesn’t mean we don’t pray anyway (intercessory prayer), you never know, your prayer might actually make a difference.

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