2007 – ‘Saved’

I was 16 and had just recently been baptised after having studied the Bible with my cousin and now Spiritual mother, Yo. About a few weeks later I had this dream…

The dream:
I was sitting in a car with Yo, she was sitting in the driving seat, and I was in the passenger seat. Suddenly, out of nowhere the car was surrounded by masked people, like assassins, or armed police who cover their faces but aren’t authority figures. They began shooting us inside the car. Yo tried opening the door to get us away but they weren’t relenting. One of the guns were aimed at me, I was now ducking low in the footwell but was still a target. Yo then threw herself in front of me and took the bullet for me in her arm.

I woke up.

I believe that was God’s confirmation to me that I was now saved and it was through Yo’s help and assistance.

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