Relationships & Love: 10.05.14

Relationships are about giving – that is love. Not just giving to receive either, just giving. I truly believe that the reason why so many marriages break down is because people are just looking to ‘take’ from each other and forget that in order for a relationship to work and survive there needs to be a giving of 100% on both sides.
It’s no use one person giving and the other taking (that won’t work) the person giving will only get angry and resentful – that’s not how it’s meant to be anyway. Both need to give 100%, as you can even see in the love book of The Bible, Song of Songs, you see a loving relationship between the lover and the beloved. They are both giving. That’s how it’s supposed to work, in fact, it can only work like that.

Think about a circuit. Electricity can only run through when it is a complete, closed circuit. Likewise, love is only complete when there is a connection. Otherwise one person is bound to feel unsatisfied and empty if they are not receiving love.

But we’re not meant to demand love. Again, that is not love. Like God’s love to us, there is no control in love only freedom. Loving is about not being required to give, for that is not true ‘giving’, that is duty.

So what happens when you give and you are not receiving by that person? The only thing and the best thing to do is to create boundaries. You give  how much you feel is appropriate before you start feeling as though you’re being taken for granted or that you’re giving too much. This saves you heartache and gives you space to give freely without much or any expectation of receiving anything back.

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