2016 – ‘Mr P’

These are all dreams I had about my boyfriend during this year. We were together for a year and a half and it’s a long story. Essentially he was quite proudful, borderline abusive, though wanted us to have a future together as he was in love with my potential and not who I was. We met working at a charity together and at the time had similar life goals and felt that we were opposites but complimented one another perfectly… this wasn’t true at all as we were to find out. He’s since moved on and married now so I just pray that he has matured and developed into a great man and I hope they have a happy and beautiful life together. I’m glad he’s found someone. I’ve written a blog post about our relationship on my relationship blog so I’ll attach the link here.

#1 The Wedding

The dream:
I dreamt I was getting married to my boyfriend at the time (I won’t post his name for confidential reasons). I was getting ready for our big day in my hotel room with my bridesmaids. My corset, the top part of my wedding dress, was too big for me and wouldn’t fit. So I had people trying to pin it but it wasn’t comfortable or helping the dress. I was also running late and was frantic that he would be angry (anger was something he struggled with massively that had an impact on our relationship also). I remember running barefoot to meet him at the church where we were to get wed.

I woke up.

I told my cousin Yo my dream because at first I couldn’t work it out at all even after prayer. I trusted her because not only was she my mentor but she also knew a lot about my relationship with him, we’d go to her and her husband for advice etc. She knew the interpretation straight away. She told me that me not able to fit into it was because I’m not ready to make that next step but he is (he often told me that by the end of the year he wanted to propose etc, which would fill me with dread). She said that I’m also feeling as though he is rushing me to be ready, which was exactly what was happening at the time. I didn’t feel I was able to live up to his expectations of me.

#2 The Wasteman

The dream:
We were at mine and he was going back home, he lived in South london and I was to go with him but I was in two minds about it. I said I’ll go with him anyway and so he went downstairs to say bye to my mum. My dad was in my room with me and so I asked him what he thought of him, my dad said, “He’s a bit of a wasteman.” I didn’t respond and went with him in the car he was driving. About three quaters of the way, I realised that I wanted to go back home, I no longer wanted to travel with him and so I asked him to let me out, that I was going home and I did.

I woke up.

I believe that was when I started to realise that I didn’t want to be with him. He had become a different person, more prideful, to the man I met and we were arguing constantly. To be honest, he was acting a bit like a wasteman towards me. I think that was God’s way, through my dad in the dream, of confirming my way out of the relationship by telling me that he wasn’t being good to me. It wasn’t long after that, that we split.

#3 Strangled

If the two other dreams wasn’t enough confirmation then this certainly was.

The dream:
I dreamt that he got so angry that he strangled me. He had both hands around my neck and was pressing down. (It was actually a pretty scary dream!) He relented and I told him that this wasn’t him, he wasn’t acting like himself and I was just speaking to him in love and then he began to break down crying saying how sorry he was.

I woke up.

Towards the end of our relationship, he was pretty vile towards me. He had major anger issues but also he would say horrible things to me which was metaphorically speaking, like strangling. I felt I was unable to talk or to say anything through fear of what he would say or how he would react and then eventually he realised he needed help and time out – breaking down just like he did in the dream.

Note: God often gives us dreams of some future event that is coming, we should always pray for interpretation for our dreams. But more importantly, take every dream to The Lord and rebuke any dream that you feel isn’t good or positive. We may not always be able to change the future or affect what is coming, as God’s decision is final but that doesn’t mean we don’t pray anyway (intercessory prayer), you never know, your prayer might actually make a difference.

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