The Continuous Jubilee

“Majesty, Majesty”,
The Herald Angels sing,
“King of Kings”, “Lord of Lords”
“Blessed Saviour”
He reigns on high
Our mountain tops, His footstool
Our oceans, His wash basin
Over the Heavens, His kingdom remains
He is seated on the throne of righteousness
Clothed in dignity and honour
Grace and mercy, He endorses,
He holds all authority in Heaven…

And on Earth…

The sin of mankind still rampant
Ever present, decaying a nation of a nation of people
People created in His image, resembles Him no more
Though they cry out, their cries carry no weight
Empty with despair, longing
Their ignorance matches their innocence
Their innocence masking their ignorance
Their groans and howls are scattered into the universe
Searching for unknown gods,
Who are they trying to reach?
With what power?

While the mover of the universe remains patient on His throne,
Ever-waiting for the hearts of men who are openly willing to hear,
Accept, discern and grasp the wisdom,
The glory, power He holds and wants to deposit into them.
Like bolts of lightening the force is sent down to anoint the ones He has called, chosen, predestined
Those who have cried out to Him by faith
Like invisible comets they soar one by one through the atmosphere
Nothing is too much for Him to handle
The maker of things, the designer cannot be designed
But merely defined as abounding in love
This fruit of love He sent down for us
To share, among ourselves
Requiring only a fraction of it back in return
Just a piece of love, at best
Everlasting across all ages, this love transcends across time and space
It consumes and surrounds us not even realising
Ignorantly blissful we instead reproduce and give birth continuously to sin
We perceive this as some kind of love through its lies and deception
We push love away as though it were not love
As though it were something to shun, avoid, even destroy
But love cannot die nor can it be avoided
It is necessary for our survival for eternal life
It will not be rebuked
It cannot be contained or manipulated
Love won’t lead you astray
Instead it will guide you, give you hope
Pushing you forwards, encouraging you and supplying all your needs.
All we have to do to make it truly manifest is believe in its true power
That power is the source of its power
Who love defines and exemplifies
Who it embodied as a perfected example
The unity of the source and the embodiment combined now able to live within us
Like a fruit growing from a tree
This fruit of love blossoms from His eternal tree of which He is the root

Let us focus on the root of all things,
Love is all you need to begin.

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