Choosing when to Pray

I’ve been getting the impression lately from quite a few people that they pick and choose problems and situations they are experiencing to pray about. Hearing reasons like; “God already knows about this so I don’t need to go pray about it”, and, “This is so petty, He has more important things to be dealing with in the world..” etc. Well firstly, we already know that God knows everything, (1 John 3:20) and that He knows our heart, (Luke 16:15) before we even go to Him so Him already knowing about it is not a good enough reason as that would mean that there would be no need for prayer at all and that is not the case. And secondly, remember just how powerful The Lord is ! I’m confident that He has the power to deal with a million different things at once, after all He is God! Don’t limit Him ! - you are just as important to Him as everyone else in the world, just as David knew he was, so you are also fearfully and wonderfully made, (Psalms 139:14). The Lord loves you and wants to protect you. If there is something on your heart which is causing your spirit to be troubled, even slightly, do not ignore that nudge - it is likely the Spirit petitioning you to go to The Lord about it, (Romans 8:27). He wants us to go to Him in everything, yes EVERYTHING! No matter how small we think it is, it might not be small to Him; maybe it is a seed which has the potential to produce either a destructive tree or powerful one depending on prayer. And besides no matter how small it is the fact that it is affecting us is enough to tell us that it is something that should be taken to Him. Don’t think that you can do everything by yourself or on your own strength - use the Spirit, He is your helper ! (John 14:16) Otherwise you could be grieving the Spirit and that merely offends God.  We know that we are not meant to lean on our own understanding, (Proverbs 3:5), but trust in The Lord to handle and deal with whatever we are going through, be it big or small stuff; often He uses small things to show His power and glory, while sometimes it’s to test our obedience and faith in Him. Other times it is just so that He can impart His peace into us so that we can have the power to handle the trial we are experiencing.  So try not to think that just because He already knows the situation that He still doesn’t want you to go to Him - prayer is exactly how He communes with the Spirit within us for us to be able to gain wisdom about how to handle it; don’t break that communication based on what you ‘think’ is not important. (1 Corinthians 2:10-13) Be encouraged to go to Him with ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING, He cares for you ♥♡

I’ve been getting the impression lately from quite a few people that they pick and choose problems and situations which they are experiencing, to pray about. Hearing reasons like: “God already knows about this so I don’t need to go pray about it”, and, “This is so petty, He has more important things to be dealing with in the world..” etc.

Well firstly, we already know that God knows everything (1 John 3:20), and that He knows our hearts (Luke 16:15) before we even go to Him so saying He already knows about it is not a good enough reason, as that would mean that there would be no need for prayer at all and that is not the case.

Secondly, we need to remember just how powerful The Lord is ! I’m confident that He has the power to deal with a million different things at once, after all He is God! Don’t limit Him ! – You are just as important to Him as everyone else in the world, just as David knew he was so are you also, ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ (Psalms 139:14). The Lord loves you and wants to protect you.

If there is something on your heart which is causing your spirit to be troubled, even slightly, do not ignore that nudge – it is likely the Spirit petitioning you to go to The Lord about it (Romans 8:27). He wants us to go to Him in everything, yes EVERYTHING! No matter how small we think it is; it might not be small to Him. It could be a seed which has the potential to produce either a destructive tree or powerful one depending on prayer.

And besides, no matter how small it is, the fact that it is affecting us is enough to tell us that it’s something that should be taken to Him. Don’t think that you can do everything by yourself or on your own strength – use the Spirit, He is your helper ! (John 14:16) In not doing so, you could be in danger of even grieving the Spirit and that merely offends God.

We know that we are not meant to lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5), but to trust in The Lord to handle and deal with whatever we are going through; be it big or small stuff. Often He uses small things to show His power and glory, while some other times it’s to test our obedience and faith in Him, or simply for Him to be able to impart His peace into us so that we can have the power to handle the trial we are experiencing.

So, try not to think that just because He already knows the situation that He doesn’t want you to go to Him. Prayer is exactly how He communes with the Spirit within us, for us to be able to gain wisdom about how to handle it; don’t break that communication based on what you ‘think’ is not important (1 Corinthians 2:10-13).

Be encouraged to go to Him with ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING, He cares for you ♥♡

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