
Reading from today is 2 Samuel 7:1 – 29. Basically about God’s promise to David about him being there for him and making his name great and building up his family etc and then David’s prayer back to him. It’s comforting to know that although God knows that David is going to mess up (having that affair with Bathsheba) he still gave that promise to him. It’s almost like He will do anything for us regardless of what we do, his promise still stands.
I remember one sermon I heard once about God not being able to go back on his word. As His word is law, it governs everything – we know this from Genesis 1 – the beginning, where God created everything by speech. “God said…and there was….” It’s basically like He, Himself can’t go back on his own word either, because even though the word comes from Him, He is governed by it whilst at the same time it is off Him. It’s confusing but it makes sense. It even says something similar in John 1:1, “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.” So we know that God is all knowing so he knows what we are about to do before we even do it. To promise us something is special as we know that it is still promised even though we mess up because He knows it too. If this wasn’t the case, he wouldn’t promise anything.
So whenever we go to do something or we are blessed we should give thanks as not only does the Father go before us He is also behind us.

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