
01.02.12 – Started off reading Psalms 63 today. I remember Titi giving me this psalm to read when I told her about a dream I had about being thirsty for God. She said a lot of times how I reminded her of David and looking through his Psalms I can see her point. The way he’s so real with God, like God is his father and best friend is similar to how I talk to God. When I have a problem with a situation or something I’m just like, “God yeah, I need help. I don’t like how things are going so can you please come and change things.”

Just like in Psalms 64, “Hear me, O God, as I voice my complaint.” It just makes me laugh how David felt so comfortable talking to God like that; but also it is good as it encourages me to have a relationship like this with Him. I can’t remember the entire life of David (I’m going to read Samuel in a bit) but even thinking back to some of the things David went through. The faith he had in God with Goliath, at such a young age, then growing up and doing nonsense like stealing his friend’s wife, having a baby with her then killing the husband – things you see in soaps lol. It’s just like he went through the mill but still all through that, he was still communicating with God. He was still asking God for help and deliverance and we can see throughout that and through it all God was still there for him. It’s just encouraging to see the love God had for David even through things we might see as very bad even in this day and age.

Then I went on to think about some of the things we ask God for and if it is even fair. By looking at a lot of David Psalms, it seems like David is crying out to God for help majority of the time. Most of his Psalms consist of “save me from my enemies”. It is like a constant factor and to be honest; if you killed your best friend for his wife you’d have a lot of enemies also the fact that David was a King – that would also bring a lot of haters. More importantly, though, it wasn’t like David was some beggar man on the street with issues. He was a King, like the highest a man could be on this earth and yet he still knew he couldn’t rely on his own strength and power. He recognised that all his glory and prestige was nothing compared to God’s own. He wasn’t proud; he stayed so close to God, Psalm 63 v.2: “my soul clings to you”. He knew he couldn’t do things his way. Just shows you how prestigious God should be if even a King has to go to Him for counsel. But aside from all of this I couldn’t help but wonder if it was fair for David to go to God with all his problems. Maybe most of what David was complaining about was due to his own foolishness or maybe it was from what God was telling him to do – Psalms isn’t specific enough to know this but still, I thought, why should God be helping us with the messes we involve ourselves in?

I thought of the analogy of a banana and a rubix cube, if we give a banana to a child and do not tell it how to open the banana we wouldn’t complain when the child comes back to us and asks us for help with opening it. In fact we would expect it as we didn’t initially tell them how to do it, maybe we thought they had enough wisdom/knowledge to know or it was a test of wisdom or knowledge, but nevertheless, if they came back we wouldn’t be vex. If anything we would be happy they came to us for help and helping them wouldn’t be such a huge problem.

Now take a Rubix cube now for example. Say your friend had one – you didn’t give it to them or anything, maybe they even found it in your room and decided to fiddle with it. Then they come to you and ask you to fix it. Now I don’t know about you but I would be less inclined to help. I’d probably just kiss my teeth and turn my head, thinking “you didn’t ask for it, you took it off your own accord and now you’ve messed it up, you want me to help you?!” Let’s be honest not many of us would help so why should God. On the one hand God could do us and say “no I’m not helping as you got yourself into that mess” but when does God ever really say that. So I wondered why? I then thought about God in himself. If he does help us fix it, it shows His glory. Imagine your friend fiddled with the rubix cube so much they don’t even know which side to choose for a colour but you take one look at it and fix it in less than 5minutes. I know anyone would be shocked and run to go tell others what you had just done, thus giving you the glory.

I reckon God is similar; He will do things to show others just how great He is and why people should come to know Him. But then I guess that there’s the other side, which is where our hearts come into it. When people say your heart should be in it or “God knows your heart” like if you’re doing something for the wrong reasons. Again, if your friend brought you the rubix cube and you knew the type of person she/he was; they wasn’t going to tell anyone you had fixed it, in fact they were going to tell people it was them, would you fix it? No. Because you are getting no credit from it and why waste time on something you will get nothing back from.

Regardless of whether or not God created the mess, I believe that He will fix it if He gets a miracle from it.

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