2014 – ‘The doll’

This one isn’t actually a dream but a picture.

I was at the weekly Bible Study group that I used to attend on Wednesdays led by a great man of God called Michael. Usually we’d study then at the end have a time of prayer, where we’d ask God if He has any Words or Pictures He wants us to share with the group. Michael asked us to pray and so I tapped into the Spirit, just clearing my mind and thinking of Jesus. Then I got a picture which I felt was one of the ladies in the group, so I drew it out but was reluctant to share it as I thought it was silly.

The picture:
It was of Deeta (the lady in the group) standing in front of this old, crooked, dark house. The setting was night-time and it was raining but what was significant, or seemed to stand out on the page of my mind was Deeta as a child holding a doll in her hands and she looked really sad. I felt called to draw it out on paper (feel on reflection that it was because it needed to be a reality actual manifestation of it so that others could see it, it made it more powerful, more than I could have realised…)

So as I said, I didn’t particularly want to share it as I felt it wasn’t very encouraging. I knew the doll was meant to be there as a representation of comfort but that’s all I had at the time. Because it was so deep I wasn’t sure if I wanted to share it with everyone also just incase she reacted badly. So when Michael asked if anyone had any picture or words, I kept quiet despite knowing that I probably shouldn’t as it was so vivid and probably significant.
Then Deeta actually spoke and said she had a picture for me! (There was at least 6 of us there so it wasn’t as though we were slim on numbers of people she could have had something for). Her picture for me was of a pen and paper in my hands – how ironic. I sat and smiled, knowing I should probably share mine now.
Still nervous, that it may not resonate, I asked, well decided, to ask Deeta a question to find out whether or not my picture was significant.
I asked her, as a child did she have anything she had as a comfort, without giving her suggestions. She then replied saying yes, she had a doll which had pigtails she loved and had with her. I laughed and as everyone asked why, I told and showed them the picture I just drawn about her, which ironically (or not) had pigtails too! Everyone was amazed.

Connie (Michael’s PA who was also a Christian, she was who actually invited us initially to the group as we went to the same church as her) was meanwhile praying for another woman in another room this whole time so she missed it all. When we had all finished, she and the woman came back into our meeting room. We filled her in to what had happened as Deeta was soooo amazed by my picture she was telling everyone and wanted me to photocopy it for her. Connie asked to see it and so I showed her. When she looked at it, she became SO overwhelmed with emotion and began crying. (Connie is prophetic herself but also one of the stiffest, lovely but strongest women ‘I’ve ever known, I’d never seen her emotional let alone crying!?) She immediately pulled Deeta into the side room and she prayed for her. When she came out, Connie told me that the picture just brought an overwhelming surge of emotion – she herself couldn’t even explain it. She then advised me that I need to pray through that picture also, that’s its important that I do so since I have ownership over it. It was so powerful.

I will post a copy of the picture here (when I find it):

Notes: Sometimes God can give us pictures or words which have some meaning for us to pray through. It could be for you or for someone else but always pray for God to reveal what it means. Often it may be someone else who is able to interpret the word/picture or the person it is for may already have an idea of what it means or it is a confirmation for them. So never hold back on sharing what you have seen or heard, even if it isn’t significant or no one answers or accepts it for them at the time, sometimes things happen later and it was related. Always share what you have and pray though it. If it’s wrong then it’s wrong but more often it is right .

Also, God often gives us dreams of some future event that is coming, we should always pray for interpretation for our dreams. But more importantly, take every dream to The Lord and rebuke any dream that you feel isn’t good or positive. We may not always be able to change the future or affect what is coming, as God’s decision is final but that doesn’t mean we don’t pray anyway (intercessory prayer), you never know, your prayer might actually make a difference.

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