2013 – ‘The break in’

This dream was SOOOO significant. It was definitely a warning, premonition dream from God.

The dream:
I was in my mum’s bedroom with three other females – two of which were my cousin and Aunty. I remember looking out the window and noticing that there was a dark figure on our doorstep, it was almost guarding the door. It was dark outside but the figure’s reflection in one of the car’s parked directly opposite where it was standing, gave the impression that it was the grim reaper. He had the stick like him and he was hooded in all black also.

I woke up. Panicked – death at the door of the house?! What on earth did that represent? Literally the dream came the morning of the day I was due to travel down to University for the weekend. It was my friend’s birthday and so I was staying at the girl’s house for the weekend so I was to take my suitcase. I was in two minds about taking my laptop with me because of the dream for some reason, so I decided I would hide it in the house and pray over the house before I left which I did.

It didn’t occur to me that I was praying over the wrong house… despite my dream being me with three other women, and I was about to stay in a house belonging to three women SMH….

Anyway, I travelled and that night we went out as a group for Abi’s birthday – all of us out for dinner. When we came home that night, we came in through the garden, as Abi had parked at the back of the house. As we walked through the garden, Vanessa noticed a ladder lying on the floor, which none of them had left there. At first they thought that maybe it was the landlord, but Abi said he’s normally let them know he was coming over first. Vanessa didn’t have a good feeling and already suggested they’d been burgled.

We got into the house and immediately noticed that things had been moved around. We realised Ness was right. The girls were afraid and thought that they person might still be inside so me, not being fearful, took a tool for protection and headed into the house to check the intruder wasn’t still in the house while they called the police and the landlord.
I went into each of the three girls’ room, Abi’s was unable to tell as her room was often messy but in Ness’ room her stuff was all over her bed and it was the same in Meranda’s room. After checking no on was still in there hiding, I called them up and they each went into their rooms, coming out moments later crying.
The thief had been into all of their rooms, taken personal items, Ness’ jewellery, laptop, Abi’s MacBook, Meranda’s jewerly which were presents and had even taken the pillow case off her pillow to transport the goods with him. He took all of the girl’s laptops and Meranda had looked her room but had left her window slightly open so they reckoned he probably come in that way from the ladder. We were in shock.

It was only after, that I realise they’d even gone into my suitcase which I had left closed on the landing, but they’d clearly opened it, and gone through it as my clothes weren’t how I packed them and then they’d left it open. All I could think was imagine if I had brought my laptop – all my documents I hadn’t backed up would have been gone if they had taken it too.

Clearly it was a warning about the girls’ house only I didn’t put two and two together early enough (which I could kick myself for). In my dream, I had been in the room with three other females which clearly represented the girls – OH HINDSIGHT – I should have prayed over THEIR house! That’s what the dream was warning me about. The figure outside was the thief! Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy.
The only saving grace, which feels incredibly selfish was that without that dream I most definitely would have taken my own laptop with me and I had a book that I hadn’t finished on there which I hadn’t backed up yet. I’m just grateful that none of the girls or myself was hurt.

Note: God often gives us dreams of some future event that is coming, we should always pray for interpretation for our dreams. But more importantly, take every dream to The Lord and rebuke any dream that you feel isn’t good or positive. We may not always be able to change the future or affect what is coming, as God’s decision is final but that doesn’t mean we don’t pray anyway (intercessory prayer), you never know, your prayer might actually make a difference.

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