2010 – Jael & Uncle

These are two separate dreams but they are premonitions about family members so I thought I’d group them together.


The dream:
I dreamt that I had my future baby cousin in my arms and I could see her face so vividly.

I woke up. She hadn’t been born yet when I had this dream, it was about 6 months earlier. So I was excited to see what she would look like. When she was born and I got to see her two days after she was born, she had the EXACT same face as she had in the dream

Uncle Lewis

My Uncle was sick and so we knew he was going to pass but we didn’t know when. About a week before he actually passed, I had a vivid dream about him…

The dream:
I was in a minivan with some other people (they weren’t clear, but most likely family members). Uncle was sitting in the aisle seat behind me. I turned around and looked at him and he looked to be sleeping.
Then the scene changed and we were all standing outside in the road next to the bus because an accident – a motorbike accident had happened. It was awful, the man’s whole body had flown off and was in pieces – legs and arms – were all different positions all over the road. It was horrific but worse of all – the man’s head was Uncle’s.

I woke up.

I believe for both dreams, it was God foretelling me what was coming.

Note: God often gives us dreams of some future event that is coming, we should always pray for interpretation for our dreams. But more importantly, take every dream to The Lord and rebuke any dream that you feel isn’t good or positive. We may not always be able to change the future or affect what is coming, as God’s decision is final, but that doesn’t mean we don’t pray anyway (intercessory prayer), you never know, your prayer might actually make a difference.

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