2001 – ‘The Call’

I was 11 years old at the time and had a friend called Gemma who lived down the road from me. She was a friend from school and so we often spent time together during the school holidays, either at the adventure playground down the road or at either of our houses.

The dream:
One night I had a dream I was at Gemma’s and her house phone started ringing. It was one of those old fashioned black phones with the ring dial. (It looked EXACTLY like the featured image of this post) I called out to her that it her house phone was ringing, she was in another room so she told me to answer it. I picked up the handset and said, “Hello?”. The male voice immediately said my name. I had no idea who it was or how they knew who I was as it wasn’t even my house.

I woke up.

I believe that was the first time God was calling me to come to Him.

Interestingly, a few years later – well I say a few, but it was more like 10 years. I was attending a Bible Study group meeting with my older cousin. I had been at hers that day and so she invited me along. I had never been before and so didn’t know anyone there. At the end of the Bible study, we had a time for prayer, to see if anyone had any pictures or words from the Spirit that they wanted to share or pray about. One woman told the group that she felt she had a word for me. She had written it down.

It was: “I’ve been calling you for a while, pick up the phone.”

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