10.03.2012: Putting on the Armour of God

The way I feel when it’s that ‘time of the month’ is on its way is majorly annoying. I feel so disconnected from God but at the same time my emotions are all over the place. Thinking about things I shouldn’t be thinking about, spending less time with God, not even being motivated to read and meditate on his Word. I hate it. Today was a good day, I’ve been trying to read 1 Corinthians recently. I don’t really take to it to be honest, because I find it very convicting and there’s parts which are a bit like, ‘wow okay, I need to fix up!’ But I suppose it’s necessary to read, to know and strengthen my character; perhaps not at the moment though. I don’t think I’m strong enough to properly mediate on it but then at the same time I guess that’s how you get strong.

I went shopping with the girls this morning, bought some things then we went to Abi’s church that was having an all female’s meeting. The pastors’ wife, Sarah, was leading it and she was talking about putting on ‘The Armor of God’ and comparing it to a changing room, where we go sometimes and see things we like but don’t actually put it on (things we need) and other things we put on which we shouldn’t really be putting on. She gave us a Word which I’ll write down now. I found it quite encouraging; I’ve heard it before but not in the way God told her before – very eye-opening.

Take off lies and put on truth (Psalms 41)
Take off sin and put on righteousness (Colossians 3)
Take of stress and worry and put on the gospel of peace (John 16:33)
Take off guilt and death and put on the helmet of salvation (Romans 3) – (you cannot try to earn salvation but once it is freely given it is yours forever)
Take off doubt and unbelief and put on the shield of faith (should be huge) (Romans 5:19)
Take off ignorance and lack of knowledge and put on the sword of the Spirit and of God (Hebrews 4:12)

Then after we had prayers then fellowship, Sarah’s mother-in-law, the Pastor’s mother came to talk to us and she was particularly taken by me. She asked me about my salvation and my walk, I was as honest as I felt I could be and she told me that she feels like God had called me to be an eagle but I had lowered myself to be a dove. She also said that she could see there’s a warrior in me and that she’ll be praying for my elevation.

That is now the third time I have heard someone say that, basically about me being called higher. I know I have been a dove, just having it easy and I know that I need to start doing the work I just have to spend more time with God for him to tell me my purpose properly so I’m sure of what it is I need to do I suppose.

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