
– Church this morning, the service was amazing. Clive was the speaker, he touched on living for God’s vision for our lives and how we should pursue these goals in order to fulfil our purpose.

He was saying that it is important to plan to get to our goals otherwise our lives will be chaotic; that it won’t be easy.

He compared it to a mountain that we need to conquer. Either we’ll have to have the endurance to climb up the huge mountain, or possibly we’d have to go round it instead, which will take longer. So, we’ll need the perseverance or that we’d have to bore through the mountain and therefore, we’d need the strength.

He gave a few points in how to set goals to achieve:

Know what the goal is and “press on”.

Assess your life – be honest, sober-minded, to know who He has created you to be, figure out what excites you, what your passion is and read up on the saints who have similar gifts to you.

Then pray and meditate.

Ask yourself what areas of your life needs to change in order for you to get in-line with what God wants you to do – don’t put things off, fix things.

Measure it – find a way of measuring how well you are doing, create deadlines for yourself. Be accountable.

Be realistic – if the time for you to get started is now then you have to be ready now.

Don’t worry about resources, God will provide especially when it is in accordance with His will.

Get your training.

Don’t be lazy but be steadfast.

Don’t be put off or distracted, nothing is going to stop you.

Remove all idols.

And lastly, never give up.

Be patient and have endurance. We’re most likely going to get critics; people trying to put you off, it’s going to take you to the end of yourself. Those mountains, God is shaping you through, take each day as it comes and never give up.

When he was ministering I know that to me it was about my writing, so I’m going to pray for perseverance and the courage and motivation and determination to see it all through.

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